Wednesday Aug 7, 2024 Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
Wednesdays, August 7-September 11 (6 Week Series) 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Barton Center for Orthopedics & Wellness, 2170 B South Ave, South Lake Tahoe
$20 per couple
Call 530.543.5549
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Six-week Childbirth Preparation Series. Expectant parents are encouraged to attend childbirth classes a approximately 28 to 32 weeks. Professional, certified childbirth education instructors/nurses will provide best practices and information for the birthing process, labor positions, pre-term indicators, preparing for the hospital, relaxation/breathing techniques, pain management, newborn and postpartum care, lactation consulting, car seat safety, nutrition, plus infant CPR and first aid. Registration is required.