Thursday Jun 6, 2024
7:30 AM - 3:30 PM PDT
7:30 a.m. - Registration ~ 8:30 a.m. - Shot Gun Start!
Carson Valley Golf Course
The format will be a four-person scramble. Whether you’re a stick or just enjoy getting out for some sunshine, a great time will be had by all. Mulligans will be for sale.
Individual Registration - $125
Each registration includes round of golf, golf cart, lunch, awards ceremony.
Foursome Team Registration - $450
Round of golf for four, golf carts, lunch, awards ceremony. The ability to choose who you will spend five hours with!
Hole Sponsorship - $175
Your company or name at a designated hole, listing/recognition in tournament materials/signage. Opportunity to staff your designated hole, display your company products or services, and interact with tournament participants.
Foursome plus Hole Sponsorship - only $600
Round of golf for four; your company name at a designated hole, listing in tournament materials. Opportunity to staff your hole & display your collateral and interact with your tournament participants.
Prize/Gift Donation
Your company or name recognition in materials. Opportunity to display collateral items at the tournament.
Alicia Main
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Carson Valley Days Annual Golf Tournament