Saturday Apr 12, 2025
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM PDT
Doors open at 11:30am, sessions start at noon and 3 pm
C.V.I.C Hall
1604 Esmeralda Ave., Minden
Entrance is free, 2 games for a $1.00.
Daphne Hillyer (775) 339-8882
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The Kiwanis Club of Carson Valley will be hosting its annual kid friendly Ham Bingo on Saturday, April 12, 2025 at the C.V.I.C. Hall in Minden.. There will be two sessions, the first is at 12 noon, the second is 3 pm.
Bingo cards are 2 for $1.00. Daubers available for $1.00 each. There is no limit to the number of games an individual may play at one time. Games will last until all hams are given away. An exciting grand prize is awarded for each session. Raffle tickets will be for sale at both sessions for prizes. Free popcorn and coffee will be available. Hot dogs, chips, water and soft drinks available for purchase.
The Kiwanis Club of Carson Valley conducts fundraisers throughout the year to support the Kiwanis scholarship fund and other worthy initiatives that benefit the wellbeing of local children and families. Kiwanis is a worldwide service organization for men and women who want personal involvement in the leadership and improvement of their communities. The youth of our community is our primary focus.
Our Kiwanis Club meets every Thursday at 6:30 a.m. at the C.O.D. Casino. For further information, including how to become a member of Kiwanis, please call 775-339-8882.