From a young age the thought of becoming an advocate always appealed to me. The mere idea of having a profession, the education, and the ability to appear in court to present an argument lured me in. Upon turning 16 and obtaining a drivers license, I obtained employment as a runner at a law office. I maintained the same employment until the end of my college days at UNLV. Gaining experience from the attorneys and familiarizing myself with the court house. The influences I received throughout that opportunity sealed the deal. After college it was straight to law school. The practice of law presents challenges on a daily bases far from the mundane 9-5. Frankly, my personality is incapable of a day to day desk job without lashing out.
Benson & Bingham Accident Injury Lawyers, LLC
4530 S Carson Street Ste #4
Carson City, NV 89701
Office: (775) 600-6000